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1·Even so, you may have more expenses than you assume, so try to stockpile a bit of money just in case you need it during this June through mid-July phase.
2·That means scientists wishing to find out whether a particular batch is still potent cannot just pluck a warhead at random from the stockpile and try to explode it.
3·"I should expand production and keep the products in a stockpile," Li says, speaking rapidly in a country accent.
4·Tehran has so far rejected a deal that would remove most of its enriched uranium stockpile for a year and replace it with nuclear fuel rods which would be much harder to turn into weapons.
德黑兰此前已经拒绝了一份在一年内将大部分浓缩铀库存替代为核燃料棒的协议。 而该协议将会致使伊朗的核武器化进程难度增加。
5·From GM's point of view the short strike may even have been a blessing: the halt in production gave it a chance to reduce its stockpile of unsold vehicles.
6·WHO is ensuring a stockpile of essential drugs for the treatment of waterborne diseases and equipment for laboratories and others.
7·An unprecedented number of unsold cars in Japan has forced Toyota to stockpile them in the parking lots of Fuji Speedway, a company-owned track near Mount Fuji.
由于公司在日本的库存车辆达到前所未有的数量,丰田汽车不得不动用旗下富士赛车场(Fuji Speedway)的停车场来存放汽车。
8·Closer to the massacre, Harris listed his stockpile of weapons and posted a hit list.
临近案发之前,哈里斯还列出了他拥有的武器和一份杀人名单。 克莱伯德在此方面公布的信息较少,但也同哈里斯秘密制作了录像拍摄他们拥有的武器。
9·By diminishing Iran's stockpile, if only for a few months, the deal could have opened the door a crack to confidence-building talks with the six.
10·It also comes with a built-in snowball maker which means while your foes are busy packing ice together with their hands, you'll already have a stockpile of ammo to unleash.
更新时间:2025-02-23 02:53